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Медиумите за нас – Номинација

На годишниот светски Економски форум на жените лидерки Г100 одржан во Њу Делхи , Индија од 27-31 декември во Индија, нашата претседателка Угриновска Ленка беше номинирана и доби  две признанија:

Жена на деценијата 

-Пoчесен доктор на науки од индискиот Универзитет Jharkhand Rai .

Еве го нејзиното обраќање по повод добиените награди на Форумот:

Thank you so much for the award and honoris nomination as well as the invitation to the Annual WEF 2022 – G100 meetings

For me, the Women Economic Forum decade award and the award of an honorary doctorate from Jharmend Rai University in India represent pride and joy, but also a great inspiration to continue my mission in the future, not only in Macedonia but also in the region.


Women are strong, but also vulnerable, and our mission is to assist and encourage them, particularly the vulnerable, as well as those who need a little encouragement, to pursue new opportunities, grow their businesses, or network for a greater cause and the long-term development of our communities.

We, women, are gentle, but our strength comes from our commitment and actions. Each of our successes is a new challenge for us to make changes that will change the world. Our mission is to make the world a better place for everyone.

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